Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Fat Flush Plan and what you need to get started

How To make your own Cranberry Juice(with or without sweetener).

Day 1 You will drink a Long Life Cocktail to start your day. The Long Life Cocktail consists of the cranberry water mixed with a table spoon of Psllyium husk.  Followed by another 8 oz. glass of warm water with lemon juice.

The Long Life Cocktail is suppose to increase elimination and balance hormones. She suggests that you can take 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds in replace of the psyllium husk.

The hot water with lemon juice you'll drink throughout the plan gives your kidneys another boost with lemon's diuretic action.

Studies have shown that consuming vinegar or lemon juice with meals can lower blood sugar by as much as 30%. The acidity in these foods helps slow the stomach emptying, which means that food takes longer to reach your small intestine and bloodstream.

We also take 2 Table Spoons daily of organic high-lignan flaxseed oil. ( I mostly take this in a form of sauce or dressing, see recipe below).

Flaxseed is one of the richest sources of phytoestrogenic lingans. By binding to estrogen receptors and interfering with enzymes that convert various hormones to estrogen, flaxseed may help control estrogen dominance and the resulting water retention and weight gain. Essential for its high-omega-3 fat-fighting and insulin regulating potential.

You will have on your menu plan for the day a minuimum of 8 oz of protien. Dr. Gittleman suggests 2 eggs per day for there sulfur based amino acids, including taurine, cysteine, and methionine. These are needed in the liver to regulate bile production."Your body needs protein to produce the bile that is essential for absorbing fat soluble nutrients. Protein also provides amino acids, such as cysteine, that your body needs to produce the antioxidant glutathione. This enzyme  is one of several that overcome the damaging free radicals produced in the liver(and elsewhere) during detoxification".

This is just a basic run down of what we are doing.  I am not following her recipes to the exactly. I am taking the lists of foods & herbs  she suggests and doing my own thing. I would follow the menu exactly but I find it tedious to cook a new recipe every night. Especially if I'm cooking something else for the boys. You find eating this way you have to go to the store more often to get fresh food.  So I adjusted the recipes to fit my budget and the time I can get in to get fresh fruit and veggies. I buy frozen veggies in replace of some of the veggies called for. I just stuck to the list of greens and herbs.

Fat Flushing Herbs & Spices:
Cayenne,dried mustard,cinnamon,ginger,dill,garlic,anise,fennel,cloves,bay leaves, coriander, parsley, cilantro, apple cidar vinegar, and cumin

Purpose Metabolism boosters


Daily intake unlimited(unless otherwise noted) raw or steamed

Chose from Asparagus, green beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, Chinese cabbage,carrots, cucumber, daikon, Jerusalem artichoke,fennel,egg plant, spinach, escarole, collard greens, kale, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, arugula, radicchio, endive, parsley, onions, chives, leeks, Swiss chard, yellow, green, and red bell peppers,jicama,mushrooms, olives, radishes, mung bean sprouts,okra,alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes,watercress, red or green loose leef lettuce, zucchini, yellow squash, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, garlic, spaghetti squash, and sprouts(alfalfa, broccoli, radish and mung bean).

Purpose; These fibrous and colorful phytonutrient-rich vegetables will help speed your liver's cleansing and provide valuable carotenoids.

Well since blogger decided not save what I had been writing for the last 30 min. I am just going to post this and leave off where I left off.

We are doing great on day 5 we weighed and Zach had lost 9 pounds and I had lost 6. We didn't measure until after our 5th day.  We will see.  It has been hard not eating carbs like bread and tortilla's.. It feels good though to eat stuff to get your body more awake and energized.

Fruit, salad, salad dressing, cranberry mixture recipes  on their way!

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